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Beginner Club Night at Claremont Stadium


🏸 Beginner Club Night at Claremont Stadium 🏸

Ready to swap Netflix for some badminton? Join us tonight from 9pm to 11pm at Claremont Stadium for Beginner Club Night! Low stakes, high fun—like that shuttle you just hit into the rafters! 🚀

New to badminton or need practice? No worries! We'll get you playing.

We have ALL 4 courts open, so there's plenty of space for your smashes or accidental hits. It's badminton with a lot of fun! 🏸

Come for the game, enjoy the laughs, and get a sneaky workout. Let's make Thursday nights great! 🌟

📍 Location: Claremont Stadium 🕘 Time: 9pm - 11pm

See you there!